Game Description

Title: Is This Life?

What am I:

In Is This Life?, you play as a small robot navigating a confined world. This robot, unlike others, begins its journey with a malfunction—its energy depletes faster, and it battles with the looming shadow of depression.

The robot's primary objective is to complete tasks, which are essential for its survival. Each task completed recharges its energy slightly, allowing it to stave off the creeping depression. However, the robot must constantly move and act, as merely existing drains its energy. When the energy runs out, depression sets in, making the robot lethargic and unable to use its gun.

In this confined world, coins represent small joys and achievements in life. The robot collects these to maintain a sense of purpose and progress. Meanwhile, enemies symbolize the inner voices and negative thoughts that attempt to pull the robot down. The robot can defeat these enemies by either jumping on them or shooting them with the spacebar or by clicking.

Energy recharge points are scarce but vital. These are represented by batteries scattered throughout the world, akin to little moments of happiness or support that recharge the robot's spirit.

The robot's ultimate challenge is to balance its depleting energy and rising depression while completing its tasks. If the depression level reaches 100, a 5-second countdown begins, signaling the imminent end unless the robot can quickly regain control.

How To Play:

  1. Movement: Use the arrow keys or WAD to move the robot.
  2. Jumping: Press the jump key (Arrow key Up) to jump. Use this to navigate platforms and avoid obstacles.
  3. Shooting: Use the spacebar or click to shoot enemies.
  4. Collecting Coins: Collect coins scattered around the world to complete tasks and maintain a sense of achievement.
  5. Defeating Enemies: Jump on enemies or shoot them to defeat them. This is crucial for survival and completing tasks.
  6. Energy Management: Keep an eye on the energy bar. Collect batteries to recharge your energy and continue your tasks.
  7. Depression Management: When energy is low, depression increases. If the depression bar reaches 100, a 5-second timer starts. Complete tasks quickly to avoid game over.
  8. Tasks: Focus on completing tasks to recharge your energy and reduce depression. Tasks are your primary goal and essential for survival.


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Esta muy xulo el juego, las texturas, la idea todo en general. Lo que no me ha gustado mucho es la estructura del juego, podrías poner carteles debido que la energía se consume bastante rápido, por lo demás buen trabajo 😊👌

I have adjusted the Difficulty a bit :)